
Light Up Star Wars Lightsaber Stylus

I’m almost shocked it took someone this long to come up with the Star Wars style lightsaber stylus. Not just a regular cheapo imitation lightsaber, a light-up lightsaber. These were designed to be used with your Nintendo DS system, except that they’re too big to actually fit inside the designated slot for the stylus. So why are they selling it as a Nintento DS accessory? Poor marketing!

I’ll give it to you straight- this is the coolest stylus ever and it’s not going to fit into any stylus slot on any accessory. But who the hell cares? Look how cool it is! You know you’re going to get all Jedi’ed out and break this thing within the first week of owning it- that’s why it comes in a 2 pack. Nobody really needs 2 stylii. Except to have lightsaber battles with each other. Awesome- battle it out- saber stylii style.

You can pre-order at Amazon: Nintendo DS Star Wars Light Up Lightsaber Stylus 2 Pack


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